Business Loans

Business Loan at Yambukai Finance

Available to individuals, small to medium enterprises such as companies, partnerships, joint ventures for order financing, duty financing, cross border traders, invoice discounting, asset financing, working capital requirements and vendor loans.

Individual Requirements

  1. National Identification Card
  2. Proof of income
  3. Proof of residence
  4. Business plan where applicable
  5. Valid Passport

Corporate Requirements

  1. Proof of Residence (not more than 3 months old)
  2. Identification Card for Directors
  3. Past Performance Records (Income Statements, Balance sheets)
  4. 3-6 months Bank Statement
  5. Cash flow Projections
  6. Company Registration Documents (including tax clearance)
  7. Resolution to Borrow 
  8. Company Profile

Terms and Conditions Apply

Looking for a business loan?

Apply now and get the funding you need to achieve your business goals